Promote Just, Peaceful And Inclusive Societies - The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16

The UN explains: "Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals is dedicated to the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, the provision of access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels."

This aims to promote peaceful societies at national levels, as well as the role of cooperation at the international level.

You can find further details on the topics aligned to peace, cooperation, and justice in the Our World in Data entries on War and Peace, Terrorism, Military Spending, Nuclear Weapons, Homicides, Human Rights, Corruption and Violence Against & Rights for Children.

The UN has defined 12 Targets and 23 Indicators for SDG 16. Targets specify the goals and Indicators represent the metrics by which the world aims to track whether these Targets are achieved. Below we quote the original text of all Targets and show the data on the agreed Indicators.

How is the world doing on this goal?

Posted  updated 3 years ago

Violence against children - SDG Indicator 16.2.1

Definition: Indicator 16.2.1 is the "proportion of children aged 1–17 years who experienced any physical punishment and/or psychological aggression by caregivers in the past month".

Data for this indicator measures the percentage of children aged 14 years and younger who experienced violence from a caregiver in the previous month. Data on violence to adolescents older than 14 years, or violence outside of the home is not available.

Goal: "Protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and violence" across all countries by 2030.

Human trafficking - SDG Indicator 16.2.2

Definition: Indicator 16.2.2 is the "number of victims of human trafficking per 100,000 population".

Data for this indicator measures the prevalence of human trafficking in females and males for those aged 18 years and younger, and those over 18 years.

Goal: "Protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and violence" across all countries by 2030.

Sexual violence against young men and women - SDG Indicator 16.2.3

Definition: Indicator 16.2.3 is the "proportion of young women and men aged 18–29 years who experienced sexual violence by age 18".

Data for this indicator is provided as the proportion of women and men aged 18-29 years old who experienced sexual violence before the age of 18; this data is however very limited.

The definition of sexual violence is broader than forced sex, however additional data coverage on forced sex (despite not being the official indicator) is also provided for additional context.

Goal: "Protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and violence" across all countries by 2030.

Target 16.3: Promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice

UN definition: "Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all."

Victim reports of crime - SDG Indicator 16.3.1

Definition: Indicator 16.3.1 is the "proportion of victims of violence in the previous 12 months who reported their victimization to competent authorities".

Goal: "Ensure equal access to justice for all" across all countries by 2030.

Un-sentenced detainees - SDG Indicator 16.3.2

Definition: Indicator 16.3.2 is "un-sentenced detainees as a proportion of overall prison population".

This indicator measures the total number of persons held in detention who have not yet been sentenced, as a percentage of the total number of persons held in detention, on a specified date.

Goal: "Ensure equal access to justice for all" across all countries by 2030.

  • Promote Just, Peaceful And Inclusive Societies - The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16
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